- Tenure-Track Faculty
- Teaching Associates
- Part-Time Instructors
- Student Employment
- Other Student Positions
Tenure-Track Faculty
Any active listings will be posted here.
Teaching Associates
See Teaching Associates Information page for details.
Part-Time Instructors
The department hires part-time faculty to teach mathematics, (upper division) statistics and math education classes and maintains an ongoing applicant pool for lecturers. The department also often needs experienced high school teachers for student teacher supervision. Though applications are accepted at any time, it is best to apply for a teaching position during the first month of the semester before you would like to start teaching.
To apply, please look for our position announcement in the university's employment page, http://dandick.net/careers/jobs/faculty-staff/index.php. Please apply through that site.
Current Postings:
Mathematics/Statistics Lecturer
Mathematics Education Lecturer
Mathematics Student Teacher Supervisor
Student Employment
During the academic year the department hires graders, lab monitors, office assistants, tutors and workshop facilitators based on the current budget allocation. We look to employ responsible, courteous students who have a minimum GPA of 3.2 (undergrad) or 3.5 (graduate). Students interested in grading or tutoring must have earned a grade of B or better in the course they would like to be assigned. Students who want to apply to be workshop facilitators or office assistants should download the corresponding Application(s). Students who want to apply to be graders, lab monitors and/or tutors need fill out the online Student Assistant Application (additional documents may be required).
Other Student Positions
Jobs and internships at local companies are also available for students while they attend San Jose State. Contact the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Career Center for help in looking for an internship. Peer Advisors, Peer Mentors, and Peer Tutors are also hired every semester at Peer Connections.